Introducing the enchanting creation from Nemesis Now's imaginative in-house design team: Diabarkus, the adorable triple-headed Cerberus figurine.
This mystical creature embodies the captivating blend of light and shadow. While its appearance may initially seem charming, a sense of hidden darkness lurks within its deep black eyes.
Adorned with intricate silver embellishments and symbols of the occult, Diabarkus sits proudly on guard, with its serpent-like tail wagging behind.
Crafted from high-quality resin and meticulously hand-painted, this figurine is sure to captivate as the most endearing occultist you've ever encountered.
Size: 10.5cm
Additional Information
Technical Specs
Designer: NN Designs
Category: Animals
Scarily adorable cerberus figiurine.
Cast in the finest resin.
Lovingly hand-painted.
Size 10.5cm.